23 April 2009

Official People I Hate List, 2009

Bear in mind this list is subject to change at anytime. Last year, there were only two people on the list : Dane Cook and Jeff Dunham. They remain in the number one and two spots, respectively. However, Beth introduced me to a new person to hate.

His name is Jeffree Star. Jeffree Star is a transvestite. Jeffree Star wants you to know that he's a transvestite. That is what Jeffree Star does. He constantly, unflinchingly shakes it in your face that he's actually a dude but really likes dick. So much so, he's undergone surgery. This makes him funny, I guess? I don't know if he's funny or... what the intended reaction here is supposed to be. I react with ire and rage.

It's not that I care that he's a transvestite. That doesn't bother me in the slightest. In fact, it's quite the opposite of bothering me, I'm fine with it. The problem I have is that if I went around saying, "I'm so heterosexual" and "I would really like to have sex with a woman" it wouldn't be funny. The comedy is that he's gay. He's not just gay, he's REALLY gay. Is that what makes it funny? That he's in your face, obnoxiously gay?

HOLD THE PHONE! In your face, obnoxiously gay!!??

That's what it is... he plays to the Dane Cook/Jeff Dunham crowd of sensationalist, loudmouthed motherfuckers. It is funny that he's so gay because gay people are sooooo weird! lolz! America makes me sick. Also, as a wildcard, I throw Glenn Beck on my list just because he's a douchebag.

The Official 2009 People I Hate List (So Far)
  1. Dane Cook
  2. Jeff Dunham
  3. Jeffree Star
  4. Glenn Beck

01 April 2009

The Greatest G-20 Ever!

I was going to write something about my vacation.
But, to hell with that! The world's exploding man.
Everybody's pissed and it rocks.

Honestly, it's one of those days that makes you proud as hell to be a member of the
human race and I hope everyone else is beaming with pride, as well.
We're shaking shit up, man, and it rocks so hard I can't even begin to explain it.

For those of you not in the know: the upcoming G-20 Economic Summit has met with some
significant protest. The crowds gathered this morning and have been a pretty noisy group.
I'm sure more pictures will roll in as events progress, but I've snagged a few below:

Even Sarkozy and the French are pissed off at the whole ordeal.
Sarkozy demands some real progress at the summit or he'll straight
straight up walk out of the bullshit or, as the article said, "be otherwise disruptive."
The world's on the cusp of being fed a a shit sandwich and finally people are standing up and proclaiming, "I wanted turkey breast and mayo, motherfucker."

So, what are we doing in America to voice our contempt?

Eating really big hamburgers and playing videogames.
On what looks like a Playstation. Hello, old school.

We're lazy and content. We did all the protesting we could
muster back in the 60's. Women got their rights and Vietnam ended
and now, it seems, all is right with the world
and there is nothing left to fight for or about.
I sometimes am disgraced for a country founded on
protest, disobedience and freedom that
now sits idly by and nods our heads
while we gently nap to another History Channel special
about Nazis or Cavemen as our McDonald's Quarter-Pounder
with cheese rests on our ever-widening stomachs.

If we're really as proud and as free as
our bumper stickers and hats and shirts
and flip flops and beach towels and car-antennae-balls
and binders and coats and tattoos say we are
then why in the fuck aren't we doing anything about anything?
We're just letting it happen.
A proud and free nation does not "let it happen"
This nation MAKES it happen.
Unfortunately, we've been making all the wrong things happen.
We made it criminal, we made it unintellectual, we made it fat,
we made it lazy, we made it greedy, we made it corrupt
and now, lo:
We've destroyed the world economy.
And only through our action, or at the very least,
swift and strong REaction, can we hope
to restore this nation to best on the planet.